Cruz: Don’T rubber stamp wild-eyed loon, Kennedy’s withering cross-exam will be taught in schools
Cruz: Don’T rubber stamp wild-eyed loon, Kennedy’s withering cross-exam will be taught in schools 100 years from now. On 1/20/2022, before Senate voting, Sen. Ted Cruz said, “John Kennedy’s withering cross-examination of the poor fellow in this committee will be …
Brainard promised not dictate lending on Climate Risks, Cramer asked why Dems prefer her not Powell
On 1/13/2022, Senator Kennedy make Brainard to promise to issue a statement not dictating lending on Climate Risks. Senator Cramer had suspicion and asked Brainard if her policy and Powell is the same, Brainard answered yes, then Cramer asked why …
Over Lack Of Experience, Sen. Blackburn &Kennedy Grill Biden 6th Circuit Judge Nominee, Andre Mathis
On 1/12/2022, Senator Blackburn said she had “serious concerns” about the nominee’s lack of experience and qualifications. Mathis, an attorney based in Memphis, has never argued a case in a federal appeals court or served as a judge. Judiciary Chairman …
What is your favorite color? I got one out of about 20. Sen. Kennedy questions nominee Anne Traum
On 12/15/2021, Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., grilled Traum and repeatedly asked the nominee if a criminal act should be forgiven in the name of social justice. Traum said she could not give a declarative answer based on generality. Kennedy told …
From the whitest batch? I want white batch too, where do I go? facetious House hearing
Matt Gaetz & Witness Clash Over ‘White Batch’ Tweet, Jordan & Cicilline Clash Over Garland On 12/1/2021, Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz started with a innocent question as a trap, “Is there a different chemical composition for vaccines in white neighborhoods …
Did you mean it? will you withdraw? you’re a smart man, angry man. Kennedy questions nominee Dale Ho
On 12/1/2021, Sen. Kennedy questioned nominee Dale Ho, “Did you say, quote, Republicanism is an anti-democratic virus?” “No senator, I don’t believe I’ve used those words,” replied Ho. “You’re under oath now,” said Kennedy. “Yes, Senator, I don’t believe I’ve …
I’ll Ask One More Time, You Scared The Heck Out Of Them, Sen. Rounds To OCC Nominee Saule Omarova
On 11/18/2021, Senator Mike Rounds questioned Biden OCC nominee Saule Omarova. “You’ve clearly scared the heck out of them,” said Sen. Mike Rounds, R-South Dakota, referring to the banking industry’s opposition to her based on her writings. Senator Rounds said …
Is White House incompetent, or believe in open borders? Sen kennedy Questions DHS Sec Mayorkas
Is White House incompetent, or do they believe in open borders? Sen Kennedy started with “I don’t think you deserve to have to be here today to answer questions about immigration because I don’t think you’re calling the shots,” Kennedy …
Your attitude, your inaccuracies, obviously you don’t know, heated exchange Blackburn & Mayorkas
On 11/16/2021, U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) called out Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for his and provide answers to Tennesseans. Heated exchange: Your attitude, your questioning filled with inaccuracies, obviously you don’t know the answer, failure …
Mandate “Different”, Amnesty, Payment To Migrants, Sen. Cotton Questions DHS Sec Alejandro Mayorkas
On 11/16/2021, U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., got into a tense exchange with the head of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday, challenging the agency official over his thoughts on border security and amnesty. “You refuse to prioritize …