Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany holds her first White House briefing
youtube On 5/1/2020, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany holds her first White House briefing. McEnany, President Trump’s fourth press secretary, took over the job less than a month ago from Stephanie Grisham. She has a degree from Harvard Law …
Trump & team on 4/21/2020 held a press briefing & talked to reporters about coronavirus
youtube On 4/21/2020, Trump said, ” I don’t like when Harvard — that has, I think, a $40 billion endowment or some incredible amount of money — that Harvard gets this money. Harvard should pay that money back. I want …
Trump & team on 4/17/2020 held a press briefing & talked to reporters about coronavirus
youtube On 4/17/2020, Trump said, “I think the Democrats are going to do it. Look, Nancy Pelosi — she’s away on vacation or something, and she should come back. She should come back and get this done. I don’t know …
Trump & team on 4/14/2020 held a press briefing & talked to reporters about coronavirus
youtube On 4/14/2020, Trump said, “American taxpayers provide between $400 million and $500 million per year to the WHO. In contrast, China contributes roughly $40 million a year and even less.” Q: “Back to the WHO, will you support the …
Trump & team on 4/13/2020 held a press briefing & talked to reporters about coronavirus
youtube On 4/13/2020 Dr. Tony Fauci explained the hypothetical answer from his 4/12/2020 CNN interview and walked back his statements saying “it was a poor choice of words.” Fauci said, “The first and only time that Dr. Birx and I …
Trump & team on 4/4/2020 held a press briefing & talked to reporters about coronavirus
youtube During the press briefing on April 4, Trump said “This will probably be the toughest week — between this week and next week, there will be a lot of death, unfortunately. But a lot less death than if this …
Trump & team on 3/25/2020 held a press briefing & talked to reporters about coronavirus
youtube During the press briefing on March 25, 2020, Trump was asked about an earlier post on Twitter in which he’d charged that the “LameStream Media is the dominant force in trying to get me to keep our Country closed …
Trump & team on 3/20/2020 held a press briefing & talked to reporters about coronavirus
youtube During the press briefing on March 20, 2020, Trump said, “People that didn’t like each other, they’re now working together and maybe, even in some cases, learning about each other and liking each other. It’s a nice thing.” NBC’s …
Trump met with pharmaceutical executives on virus vaccines & therapies — very informative!
youtube On March 2, 2020, Trump and members of the coronavirus task force met with 10 pharmaceutical executives in the the White House Cabinet Room. Trump exhorted the companies to collaborate to speed up the process of getting a vaccine …
Trump rallies conservatives at CPAC and mocks Buttigieg, Bloomberg & other Dem candidates
youtube On Feb. 29, 2020, Trump rallied conservatives at Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). The president fired off zingers at former South Bend, Ind., mayor Pete Buttigieg, who he branded as “Alfred E. Neuman.” He also mocked Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren …