WILD moment in the press briefing with CBS’s Ed OKeefe, KJP, and Newsmax’s James Rosen TV over press access…..
KJP: “There’s going to be — there’s — there’s, but can you also appreciate — I hear you all, but you also appreciate that we have created other opportunities. There is this one —”
Rosen: “They’re called photo ops. That’s what you’ve created. They are not a press conference which we would prefer.”
O’Keefe: “And what I was —”
KJP: “Go ahead, go ahead.”
O’Keefe: “— I was gonna suggest is what baffles people in this room, especially for those who are watching this and wondering why on earth do we harp on these sides of things, what baffles us is this is a President who from day one committed to be the most transparent president possible, who has given speeches at various events saying that he stands for and respects the freedom of the press and here is a great opportunity to stand with the leader of the world’s largest democracy, India, and two other key democracies who are from a region of the world that is struggling to maintain democracy. Why not face questions from reporters in a free press —”
KJP: “So, which part —”
O’Keefe: “— in that setting?”
KJP: “— okay, so which part are you asking me about?” Are you asking me about going —”
O’Keefe: “Why aren’t we being allowed to attend these meetings —
KJP: “— so — so —”
O’Keefe: “— in house and why is there no press conference?”
KJP: “— okay, okay —”
O’Keefe: “— which I think was the crux of the negotiations or at least the conversation —”
KJP: “— no, I — no, I —”
O’Keefe: “— that went on earlier today.”
KJP: “— I hear you, but there are two things that I’m being asked, so let me — not every — not every opportunity that we have and we do have these foreign — foreign leaders here — do we have a press conference. That is not unusual. We have gone many times back and forth about.”
O’Keefe: “Which also frustrates us.”
KJP: “I — I totally understand. There’s been some bilate and there’s been some other visit where there has not been some press conferences, right? That is not unusual. I — we’ve had conversation —”
Rosen: [Inaudible]
KJP: “— excuse me. Excuse me, I’m not speaking to you. I really am not. Let me have my conversation with Ed. Let me have my conversation with Ed. Thank you. And so it is — it is not unusual for us to have this back and forth and talk about why it is happening or not happening, so that is, I’ll put that there. The other part is this is an opportunity for the president to have a personal moment — uh — with the leaders we have created other opportunities for you all to see him with those leaders standing with those leaders, shaking hands with the leaders, giving them — giving them opportunities to see his high school — right — places where he — uh — that he’s very well, very much connected to that you all will see. He’s going to make a really important announcement about the Cancer Moonshot. We believe, and I know there is a difference of agreement here — right — is that there’s going to be plenty of opportunities for press to have access to see him with these other leaders. And so, we have made sure — made sure and people — I think people actually care about photo ops. Photo ops are indeed important because you and maybe there’ll be questions taken during those photo ops. You never know, right? Um — but a formal press conference on this trip is not going to happen with this particular vet is not going to happen. We have gone back and forth on many other events, so that’s what I’m saying is not unusual. We are, we wanted to make sure that there were plenty of press access throughout the day, and we believe we have done that and let’s see how the day goes. Let’s see how the day goes on Saturday.
O’Keefe: “I just want to be there when Modi — when Modi gets to see the Corvette. That’s all, but I have an unrelated —”
KJP: “I’m sorry. Say that — I’m sorry. Somebody was talking.”
O’Keefe: “— I just wanna be there when Modi gets to see the Corvette.”
KJP: “Oh, the Corvette! Hahaha!”
WILD moment: They’re called photo ops not a press conf, most transparent? respects freedom of press?