#shorts On 2/6/2023, a reporter asked Biden Top Econ Advisor Brian Deese, “Speaker McCarthy clearly believes Democrats in the White House will give Republicans some concession for raising the debt limit. I’m wondering why Democrats wouldn’t negotiate at all over that debt ceiling.”
MR. DEESE: So, we’ll just circle back. I think I’ve answered elements of this before. It’s important to distinguish between two things. One is the full faith and credit of the United States government … for House Republicans to put out their budget plan, and then to have a conversation around those two. So, that’s why you’ve heard the President and the administration both commit that we will do that. We’ll put out a budget. We’ll put out a very detailed budget here in the next month. And our hope and expectation is that the House Republicans will do the same.
other clips of this published longer video is here: https://youtu.be/yQc-3F68Vvg
why Democrats wouldn’t negotiate at all over that debt ceiling?