Who has been shown the door? no accountability, were warned for months

On 2/10/2022, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) observed that the president had lied about their withdrawal advice, “What accountability has there been in this time? Who has been relieved of duty? Who has been shown the door? What have we learned? The answer is, there’s been no accountability. No one has been relieved of duty. No one has been shown the door. And now this Administration has bumbled to the brink of another foreign policy crisis that they have helped create, having denied Ukraine military aid … having stuffed dollars in Vladimir Putin’s pockets by greenlighting the Nord Stream 2 Energy Pipeline. And now here they are, on the verge of another foreign policy crisis, and still we have no answers. Still, we have no accountability.”

Who has been shown the door? no accountability, were warned for months
