WH: Not Give A Precise Figure On Ukraine Aid spent thus far; Can’t “Predict Exactly” How Much More

Biden NSA Jake Sullivan Says He’s “Not Gonna Stand Here And Give A Precise Figure” On Ukraine Aid
On 9/21/2023, during White House Press Brief, a reporter asked Nat’l Sec Advisor Jake Sullivan, “with regards to the United States’ commitment to Ukraine, there are 26 Republican lawmakers, including 6 senators — a small minority, as you mentioned before — who sent a letter to the OMB director saying that they were unaware of just how much the administration has spent thus far in support of Ukraine. They know how much was appropriated, obviously; they don’t know how much has been spent thus far. Do you have a general figure you can give us?

MR. SULLIVAN: I’m not going to stand here and give a precise figure. What I will tell you is that we have supplied to the Congress every dollar that has been obligated. So, if they are unaware, it’s because they are not looking at the reports that we are submitting to the Hill … We have not hidden a single thing on this, and I find the claim in that letter somewhat bizarre.

Nat’l Sec Advisor Jake Sullivan Can’t “Predict Exactly” How Much More Aid Will Be Needed For Ukraine
Reporter: What are you telling congressional leaders about how much more aid is needed to ensure Ukraine can win the war, not just sustain the war? And what timeline are you sharing with them?

MR. SULLIVAN: Well, we’ve put forward a proposal. We’ve actually laid out in some detail every element of assistance that we believe is necessary to get us to the end of this year, and then we have begun talking to them about what next year looks like as well. But that’s in military support, economic support, humanitarian, energy assistance, and so forth. War is inherently unpredictable, of course. So, I can’t look you in the eye and I certainly can’t look them in the eye and predict exactly what’s going to happen on exactly what timetable. And therefore, we need to have a degree of flexibility and adaptability in our approach, as we have since the beginning of this conflict. That will continue.

NSA Jake Sullivan On Ukraine Aid: “Not A Single Dollar Amount…We Need Funding To Keep Going”
SULLIVAN: the fiscal year to the end of the calendar year — basically, September 30th to the end of the year … So, there’s not a single dar- — dollar amount that is necessary for all time. We need funding to keep going, meaning that if, for example, the Congress passed a shorter package, you could have a proportional amount or a longer package, et cetera.

Reporter: But at what point does that package — new package need to be passed?

MR. SULLIVAN: We will want to see additional funding for Ukraine after the end of the fiscal year — so, after September 30th — meaning that we would like additional resources from the Congress on October 1st to be able to ensure that there’s no disruption in the supply of funding to Ukraine.

Reporter: And at what point would there be a disruption if we passed — what date would there be a disruption, given the fears about this not passing?

MR. SULLIVAN: Well, I mean, there’s a sliding scale of disruption. But the day after the funds lapse or run out at the end of the fiscal year, there would be a break if we do not get the funding starting October 1st. That’s why we are making the case to the Congress that we should see additional funding at that time.

Reporter: Quick follow-up on the Congress. Speaker McCarthy, as has now been reported, turned down President Zelenskyy’s desire to speak for a joint session of Congress. Obviously, they control Congress; you don’t. But what do you think that says to the American people if Zelenskyy was not given that opportunity, given the stakes that you say exist right now?

MR. SULLIVAN: I’ve read the reports of that. I haven’t heard it directly. So, it’s hard for me to comment or speculate on it.

India & China aggressions: India made deal with 18 countries to not use dollars, China hacking & spy balloons
Reporter: You’ve laid out how — how the President has been standing for Russia through action. But when it comes to India and China, the President has largely given them a pass for their aggressions as well as the economic support they’re giving to Russia. Why is that?

MR. SULLIVAN: What — what do you mean by “aggression”?

Reporter: Well, so, for instance, India — they’ve made a deal with — well, economic aggression, I guess — eight- — they made a deal with 18 countries to not use dollars to trade in. India has — is on a U.S. watchlist for intellectual property theft of U.S. companies. India has been — is part of BRICS. And so, that’s what I’m talking about with India. With China, the aggressions — the hacking that they’ve done, the spy balloons, as well as their intellectual property issues.

MR. SULLIVAN: I mean, first of all, we’ve stood up over — I — I’m not sure if your question

Sullivan: Not Give A Precise Figure On Ukraine Aid spent thus far; Can’t “Predict Exactly” How Much More
