Voters got what they ordered, “WRONG” blame inflation on Russia, begging Venezuela & Iran for oil

On 3/12/2022, Vice President Kamala Harris rallied Democrats at their winter meeting and said the big task of the midterms is to remind voters that the Biden-Harris administration largely delivered on their campaign promises, “Our task is to show people that, in many ways, they got what they ordered,” Harris told the Democratic National Committee (DNC) meeting.

On 3/13/2022, ABC’s Jon Karl pushed back on the Democrat-media complex’s talking points and said that Joe Biden’s policies led to high inflation rates and record gas prices. “If you look at the numbers, inflation really started to rise almost exactly when Biden came in the White House,” Jon Karl said. “Look at the chart on gas prices since February…it is a shocking increase.”

“We are at 7.9% inflation and in the week that is announced, Congress passes another $1.5 trillion tranche of spending…[Democrats] are now adding to the deficit in these first 5 months of the year $3 billion a year and debt service now consumes $1.2 million a minute – that’s $20,000 per second.. so, stop!” George Will said on Democrats’ reckless spending.

Scott Jennings on CNN inflation was going on long before [Russia] happened. He called out Biden administration on CNN for begging anti-American regimes for oil instead of drilling here at home. “What allies and partners? Venezuela? Iran? Are these the people we’re begging [for oil]? This is a major issue that [Biden is] having to communicate with these regimes that we say are bad places, and now we’re begging them for oil.”

Biden can’t even convince members of the Obama administration, Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, that Russia is the cause of inflation. Summers says Biden was “WRONG” to blame inflation on Russia, “This is a consequence, fundamentally, of an overheated economy.”

“Are you open to running for president again?” Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski asked Hillary. “No, but I am certainly going to be active in supporting women running for office…” Clinton replied.
Jen Psaki on Putin’s gas price hike.
Voters got what they ordered, “WRONG” to blame inflation on Russia, inflation going on long before, begging Venezuela & Iran for oil.
