JDVance GOES OFF IN NORTH CAROLINA: “Our message to Kamala Harris is, HOW DARE YOU call people racist for wanting to close down that wide-open border… HOW DARE YOU call the citizens of your own country ‘bad people’ because they don’t want a flood of illegal migration in their country… HOW DARE YOU attack the citizens of your own country for not wanting their children to die of fentanyl overdoses… HOW DARE YOU call the citizens of your own country ‘bad people.’ YOU’RE A BAD PERSON for causing this border crisis. We are NOT bad people for complaining about it.”
Vance: “To Kamala Harris, we have one final message on the economy and I have some advice for you on how to answer this question — No more word salad about how you grew up in a middle class family. Unleash American energy and unleash American workers.”
Vance: “When you drop a bunch of kids into our rural school districts who don’t speak English, who suffers? The children in those districts who deserve to get a good education but aren’t because of Kamala Harris’ policies. We are the most compassionate country in the world but, for American leadership, our compassion must start with American citizens.”
Vance: “Kamala Harris, more than any candidate in the history of presidential politics, is running away from her record instead of towards her record — Donald Trump had a record to be proud of. Kamala Harris has a record to be ashamed of.”
Vance: We just want our children to be able to afford the American dream of home ownership. But thanks to Kamala Harris, it’s not happening. We have to remember, it’s not just because she cast the tie-breaking vote on trillions of dollars of new spending. It’s also because Kamala Harris let 25 Million illegal aliens into this country.
Vance GOES OFF: HOW DARE YOU call the citizens, HOW DARE YOU attack; No more word salad grew up middle class