TRUMP: “Here is the deal that I will be offering to every major company and manufacturer on earth…” “I will give you the lowest taxes, the lowest energy costs, the lowest regulatory burden, and free access to the best and biggest market on the planet— but ONLY if you make your product here in America and hire American workers for the job.” “If you DON’T make your product here, then you will have to pay a very substantial tariff when you send your product into the United States.”
TRUMP: This New American Industrialism will create millions of jobs, massively raise wages for American workers, and make the United States into a manufacturing powerhouse. We will be able to build ships again. We will be able to build airplanes again. We will become the world leader in Robotics. The U.S. auto industry will once again be the envy of the planet.
TRUMP: Under Kamala, there will be no car industry, no steel industry, no significant manufacturing of any kind—and we will be at risk of military defeat… and I’m not going to allow Japan to buy U.S. Steel, 70 years ago the greatest company on earth.
TRUMP: lowest taxes & biggest market but ONLY if make here & hire Americans; Under Kamala no car industry