TRUMP: “When I left office, I handed Kamala and Joe Biden a surging economy with NO INFLATION. The 30-year mortgage rate was 2.6%. Gasoline had reached $1.87 a gallon. The African American poverty rate was down 7%. The Hispanic-American poverty rate was down 8%… In 4 short years under President Trump, we passed the largest tax cuts in history, the largest regulation cuts in history, we unleashed American energy, and real incomes surged by more than $4,200 dollars in 48 months. We had the strongest economy in history.”
Trump: We will target everything from car affordability to housing affordability to insurance costs to supply chain issues to the price of prescription drugs. I will instruct my cabinet that I expect results within the first 100 days. Car insurance is up 70-100% and you can’t get even get it. Insurance is up 50% or higher. The whole industry is out of control. Prices will come down—watch. On Election Day we are going to tell her that we‘ve had enough, that we can‘t take it anymore, Kamala. You‘re doing a horrible job. You were a terrible attorney general, you were a terrible district attorney, you are the worst vice president in history. Kamala! You‘re fired!
Trump: On my first day back in the Oval Office, I will sign an executive order directing every cabinet secretary and agency head to use every tool and authority at their disposal to defeat inflation and bring consumer prices RAPIDLY DOWN. It will be a whole-of-government effort to raise the standard of living and make American life affordable again.
TRUMP: If Harris wins this election, the result will be a Kamala Economic Crash— a 1929-style Depression. When I win this election, we will immediately begin a brand new Trump Economic Boom. It will be a BOOM.”
Trump: You’re paying the price for Kamala’s liberal extremism at the gas pump, at the grocery counter, and on your mortgage bill.
We are NOT going to let this incompetent socialist lunatic keep breaking our economy for four more years. On Election Day, we are going to tell her that we’ve had enough, we can’t take it anymore—“Kamala Harris, YOU’RE FIRED.”
TRUMP: I handed them surging economy with NO INFLATION, low cost, largest tax cuts, strongest economy