TRUMP: 100% domestic supply chains National Security, Defense Industrial; Kamala $1.7T wasteful

TRUMP: We will ensure that we have 100% domestic American supply chains of ALL essential goods. COVID proved that if we NEED IT in a crisis, then we must MAKE IT in America. We have no choice. This is a matter of National Security

TRUMP: With your vote, we will destroy inflation, bring prices down, achieve incredible economic growth, Make America Wealthy Again, and we will bring back the American Dream! Vote for Trump—November 5th will be the most important day in the history of our country.

TRUMP: “With the help of companies like this one, we will rebuild our hollowed-out Defense Industrial Base— ensuring that America is NEVER in a situation where we don’t have the tanks, missiles, and raw materials to fight and win a war… I will invoke the Defense

TRUMP: Kamala wants to spend $1.7 trillion dollars in wasteful spending, causing more inflation—and she says it’s “A MISTAKE” to ask her how she’s going to pay for it. Kamala Harris can’t answer how she’d pay for ANY of her new liberal spending schemes that will bankrupt our country.
TRUMP: 100% domestic supply chains National Security, Defense Industrial; Kamala $1.7T wasteful spending
