QUESTION: Why has a renown Parkinson’s expert visited the White House so many times in recent months?
KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: *non-answer*
“Yes or no, has his physician seen a reason to re-evaluate him for Parkinson’s?”
KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: “The president is obviously going to have another physical”
JILL BIDEN, ED.D.: “Joe has made it clear that he’s ALL IN … I am ALL IN, TOO!”
Jill Biden, Ed.D., snaps at a reporter for daring to ask her a question — not a good look for Nurse Jill!
Karinge high tails it off stage — chief intern Andy Bates in tow — after another great day in the briefing room
Yikes! Karine Jean-Pierre interrupts co-Press Secretary John Kirby so everyone knows she’s also helping prepare Biden for his NATO press conference
Q: Why renown Parkinson expert visited WHso many times? physician re-evaluate Biden for Parkinson’s?