Q: Why pay for our greatest rival & adversary? Nightmare scenario climate fixation repeat auto loss

On 1/11/2024, U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) called out the Biden Administration over its hyper-fixation on a radical climate agenda that is propping up China’s manufacturers on the backs of American workers. During an Energy Committee hearing, Senator Hawley questioned U.S. Department of Energy Deputy Secretary David Turk about the Administration’s policies and advocated for the nation’s autoworkers, including those at the General Motors plant in Wentzville, Mo., who fought for fair wages amid the recent United Auto Workers (UAW) strike.

“Why is it good for the American worker that we force our supply chains to a country that’s our greatest rival and adversary, and why is it good for the American consumer?” Senator Hawley asked.

Senator Hawley also raised concerns that foreign countries may soon take over America’s industrial base due to the Biden’s Administration’s radical electric vehicle mandates.

“My nightmare scenario is that we repeat—because of this Administration’s climate agenda, climate fixation, I would argue—we repeat and hyper-charge the loss of industry we saw in the ’70s, and the ’80s, and the ’90s, and we do it all over again,” continued Senator Hawley, “and, so, the remaining few things that we actually produce in this country, like automobiles, we won’t produce anymore.”

Hawley Slams Biden Admin’s Climate Hysteria For Selling Out American Workers & Enriching China

Q: Why pay for our greatest rival & adversary? Nightmare scenario climate fixation repeat auto industry loss
