Q: past presidents an arbiter between two sides A: Biden standing with Union but not negotiations

Q: past presidents an arbiter between two sides that are in conflict A: Biden standing with Union
Reporter: It seems like by going to stand with workers at a picket line, the President is literally standing with them and the terms that they’re seeking in the contract dispute. But when you’re asked about some of the specifics of that, you seem to be saying you guys don’t want to get into the specifics of the dispute. So, is he not standing with them on the terms with which they’re trying to negotiate with the —

KJP: I mean, to be very clear: He is standing with them to make sure that they get a fair share. That is what he’s standing with them on. He is standing with them — and we’ve said this — that — that they — that we — that they get the record — the record profits mean a record contract for UAW. That is why he’s going. That is what he’s standing for. Now, they’re going to negotiate what that looks like for them. Right? That’s what they’re doing right now.

Reporter: But it seems like he’s taking away the past — some past presidents have been an arbiter between two sides that are in conflict. It seems like by going to the picket line, he — he’s not an arbiter between the two sides. He’s choosing a side by standing —

KJP: But we have said —
Reporter: — with the union workers.
KJP: — we have said over and over again that this is a president that stands with union workers. This is —
Reporter: Right. That’s why it’s confusing where you’re saying —
KJP: How — there is no —
Reporter: — like I — we’re not going to —
KJP: It’s not — no, no, no.
Reporter: — talk about the terms of the —

KJP: I disagree. It is not confusing. What he is saying — and we’ve been very clear — he stands with union workers. He stands with the workers. He has said and they have said he is the pro- — the most pro-union president in history.

Q: is he visiting? standing? walking? A: standing but not involved in negotiations
Reporter: So — I’m sor- —
KJP: Oh, my goodness. You’re going to ask the same question?
Reporter: But I — I —
KJP: I’m not going to change my answer.
Reporter: — too am seeking clar- — it’s fine. I’m going to ask again.
KJP: No, feel free.
Reporter: Is he picketing or —
KJP: And I’m going to give you the same answer.
Reporter: — is he visiting the picket line? Is he standing with them? Is he walking in the picket line? What —
KJP: He’s going to join — he’s going to join the picket line.
Reporter: So, does the White House see any political risk in — in —
KJP: What the President —
Reporter: — doing this?
KJP: What the President understands is that he is — wants to be on the side and is and has been on the side of workers. That is something that he has said over and over and over again.

Q: Biden “support” UAW, he’s siding with the workers over the companies? A: not into negotiation
Reporter: So, when he asked earlier that — if he’s siding with the workers over the companies, he is indeed siding —

KJP: He is — he is —
Reporter: — with the workers? Yes.
KJP: — standing with the auto workers. He is standing with the workers.
Reporter: Okay.
KJP: We are not involved in negotiations. That is something for them to decide

Reporter: I want to press you a little bit on what you just said. You said that the President supports the autoworkers. Does that mean that the President is siding with the autoworkers over the auto companies?

KJP: What we’re saying is we’re not going to get into negotiation, right? This is — when it comes to the negotiation, that is something for the parties to decide on. That is something for them to discuss. But me saying that the President supports the autoworkers — that’s not anything new. When we’re talking about a president who is pro- — the most pro-union president in history

Q: past presidents an arbiter between two sides A: Biden standing with Union but not negotiations
