#shorts On 1/19/2023, a reporter asked White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, “On this question that was — the debt limit, which was a lot of the talk in here the last couple of days: Is there any way that the President would be willing — if the President meets with congressional leadership on other matters between now and when Secretary Yellen says we’ll reach the — we’ll reach the default point, will he entertain discussions at all during meetings that may be on some unrelated topic with members of Congress about debt limit negotiations? Or will he just sort of say, “No, we’re not going to do this; we’re going to — we’ll discuss the topic at hand, but we won’t talk about negotiating over the debt limit”?
MS. Jean-Pierre: So, let me be clear. I don’t have a meeting with leaders to — to read out at this time or to announce, but we’ve been really clear. We will not — there will not be any negotiations over the debt ceiling. We will not do that. It is their constitutional duty … It should not be used as a political football. That is not how we should be moving forward here. Our outreach is deliberate to ensure Congress knows that the debt ceiling must be addressed, again, without conditions.
other clips of this published longer video is here: https://youtu.be/OgpYoz3MBGA
Q: not negotiate over debt limit?
A: debt ceiling must be addressed without conditions