Q: Name 3 things in your night table? Why Trump gains with Latinos? JENNINGS: Dem Senators TV ads

REPORTER: Why do you think that President Donald Trump has been able to make gains with Latinos?
KAMALA: *Crickets* …Donald Trump had policies that were harmful to working people.
REPORTER: But why is he winning with Latino voters?
KAMALA: I talk with Latinos all the time!

JENNINGS: It probably will shock Kamala and her campaign staff to learn that there are *incumbent* Democrat U.S. Senators right now running TV ads touting all their work with this so-called “modern-day Hitler.”
I wonder if Kamala in our town hall tonight will call for them to take these ads off the air?
If he were really “Hitler,” if he were really “a threat to democracy,” not a single Democrat in this country would be running ads touting their work with Donald Trump.

VAQUEIRO: Name three things in your night table…
HARRIS: Three things… Well, let’s see… what’s on my night side… I’ve been staying at hotels for the last eleven… I’ve been literally on the road. This is my first day home in almost a week and a half.

Q: Name 3 things in your night table? Why Trump gains with Latinos? JENNINGS: Dem Senators running TV ads
