Q: FTC has found no price gouging why President still continues? WH: we see their profit

#shorts On 10/19/2022, a reporter asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre “So the FTC has — so far has found no signs of wrongdoing for price gouging within oil companies. So I’m wondering why the President still continues that narrative.”

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: Because we’re seeing it from the chart. And oil companies were able to do it before, as I just stated to Peter. We’re seeing a — a 60-cent gap between where — where their profit are and what — what people are paying at the pump. And so, they can bring it down. They’ve done it before.

And so the President wants to make sure that — that the profits that oil companies are making is also being — you know, their profits is — is being afforded and given to — to the American people.

Q: FTC has found no price gouging why President still continues?
WH answer: we see their profit.
