Reporter: A recent Joint Center for Housing Studies report from Harvard found that a record half of U.S. renters are renting — their rent is, like, more expensive than they can actually afford. And for those considered to be most burdened — obviously, Black and Latino households — they’re paying as much as 50 percent of their earnings on rent, and rent is still higher than pre-pandemic levels … how do you weigh that success compared to this type of data where renters are — are clearly needing relief?
KJP: … we have a plan that — that the President put forward on continuing to low- — lower housing costs. And so, we want to House Republicans — you know, Republicans more broadly in Congress to take action. There’s ways to — to really deal with this in a legislative fashion. And so, we want them to take action. There’s a plan that the President put forward. And so, look, we’re going to do what we can from here, but we need Congress to act.
KJP Brags About Inflation (Double What It Was When Biden Took Office), Prices (Up 17%)
“we saw more evidence that our economy is strong and inflation is falling under President Biden. Inflation has now fallen back to pre-pandemic levels, and the economy grew 3.1 percent last year, stronger than during the Trump administration. At the same time, wages and household wealth are higher than before the pandemic. In 2023, we also saw prices fall for key household purchases, like gas and milk, eggs, toys, appliances, and airfares … This stands in stark contrast with House Republicans, who don’t have a plan to lower costs and whose MAGA-nomics fails the middle class “
Reporter: I assume there have been no conversations with Speaker Johnson since they were at the White House either.
KJP: I don’t — I don’t have any conversations to read out since last week.
Reporter: Okay. Sure. And in his letter —
kKJP: It would be just over the last week.
Reporter: — in his letter today, he also said that House Republicans would move forward next week with impeaching Secretary Mayorkas. Given these strong differences of opinion on the border, how realistic is it really that there is a deal that it can even pass — that would pass the Senate and the House at this point?
KJP: Look, we have to be optimistic because there is actually conversations happening in the Senate — there are — in a bipartisan way. Right? And so, we feel confident about that … as I stated moments ago, multiple times already in this past couple of minutes, House — House Republicans have to make a decision here. They have had to make a decision on if they want to be part of the solution or part of the problem. That’s on them. That is on them. I’ll say one thing about the impeachment of Mayorkas or the proceedings to impeach Mayorkas: It is shameful. It is shameful that’s how they want to use their time to — you know, wasteful time to — to try to impeach Secretary Mayorkas. I think it is shameful.
Reporter: Does the White House believe that House Republicans are intentionally dragging out these negotiations until after November’s election?
KJP: House Republican — which negotiations?
Reporter: On the border — on border security.
KJP: I mean, they’re not even —
Reporter: That they want them to drag out until —
KJP: — I mean —
Reporter: — until after the election.
KJP: Look, they have a choice to make. The negotiations right now are happening in the Senate.
Q: Black & Latino 50% earnings on rent A: Blame Republicans to take action; Brags Inflation, Prices