Q: admin has Title 42 authority or not? A: comply with the order, just not going speak about it

#shorts On 1/3/2023, a reporter asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, “But do you agree with the Court that you have that authority? Yes or no?”

KJP: So, the way — the way that I can speak to it from here — I’m not going to get into specifics — the way that we see it is, we’re going to comply with what the Supreme Court justices ruled in its current — in its current form with Title 42.

Reporter: Right. So I’m trying to understand: Is there a difference of legal opinion here?

KJP: Look, I — I’m just not going to get into — dive into the legal opinion here or legal — kind

Reporter: On Title 42 — so, the Court says the administration still has the power to discontinue the policy on its own if it so chooses. I know you’ve said you’re complying with the Court — you know, deferring to them. But is it your understanding that the administration has this authority or not?

KJP: So, a way — I know we haven’t really responded to this because we haven’t had a briefing. So, look, I’ll say this, just to kind of give a reaction here on the Supreme Court: So, look, the Supreme Court’s order keeps the current Title 42 policy in place while the Court reviews the matter in 2023. We will, of course — the way that we see it — comply with the order and prepare for the Court’s review. But at the same time, we’re advancing our preparations, as I’ve mentioned, to manage the border in a secure, orderly, and humane way when Title 42 eventually lifts … as this process has moved forward. To truly fix our broken immigration system, though, we need Congress to act. We saw the President, on his first day in office, put forth a comprehensive immigration policy — legislation — and that — he did that to show how important this was, how much of a priority this was for him.

The Supreme Court’s order gives Republicans in Congress plenty of time, we believe, to move past political finger-porti- — pointing and — and join our Democratic colleagues to fix and to work to fix this problem and come forth — come forth with a comprehensive way to move forward.

Reporter: But do you agree with the Court that you have that authority? Yes or no?

KJP: So, the way — the way that I can speak to it from here — I’m not going to get into specifics — the way that we see it is, we’re going to comply with what the Supreme Court justices ruled in its current — in its current form with Title 42.

Reporter: Right. So I’m trying to understand: Is there a difference of legal opinion here?

KJP: Look, I — I’m just not going to get into — dive into the legal opinion here or legal — kind of, the legal back-and-forth on this or any of the nuance.

What I can say is we’re going to comply with what the Supreme Court announced and their — they ordered just last week. But I’m not going get into the — any legal opinion.

Reporter: But you can’t say whether or not you think you have that authority or not?

KJP: I’m just not — I’m just not going speak about it from here. That’s a DOJ’s legal — is doing the legal components of this. What I can say is we’re going to comply with the Supreme Court order as it stands from last week.

other clips of this published longer video is here: https://youtu.be/owL0JqmgEEQ
Q: admin has Title 42 authority or not? A: comply with the order, just not going speak about it
