#shorts On 2/6/2023, a reporter asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, “I think you made the assertion that the reason that there wasn’t a red wave or the reason that the elections and the midterms were more successful than many people thought they would be for Democrats was because of the President. Is that — that’s a fair —
MS. JEAN-PIERRE: Yeah. And we’ve said that before. It’s noth- — it’s nothing new. We think — we think the President played a very big role in laying out the message for Democrats.
Reporter: So I wonder how, in light of the following poll, you can make that assertion. This is a recent NBC poll:
Is Biden honest and trustworthy? 34 percent, yes; 48 percent, no.
Ability to handle a crisis: 30 percent — 32 percent, yes; 49 percent, no.
Competent and effective: 31 percent, yes; 49 percent, no.
Has the necessary mental and physical health to be President: 28 percent, yes; 54 percent, no.
Uniting the country: 23 percent, yes; 50 percent, no.
Poll after poll, most Dems don’t want Biden, no midterm red wave not because of Biden? part 1