Various different reactions to end of DACA
15 States+DC sued Trump for “Racial Animus”, bias against Latinos (since mexicans=80% DACA) UC sued the Trump administration for violating the rights of UC students. (there are 4000 undocumented) UC President Janet Napolitano said UC will continue to provide in-state …
Twitter storm before Hurricane Irma
Twitter storm before Hurricane Irma Florida Sheriff Threatens To Check For Warrants At Hurricane Shelters. Those with outstanding warrants at Florida shelters will be escorted to jail, sheriff’s office warns. The tweets resulted in critical comments and national press coverage. …
Politicians’ tough talk on illegal immigrants
Update: 1. DACA: Trump is ending the Obama-era program that protects nearly 800,000 young undocumented immigrants. (DACA stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.) It is time for Congress to fix it. 2. Obama slams Trump for rescinding DACA, calls …
Please Respect The President
Three Trump supporters want you to respect the president. https://facebook.com/HygoNews/videos/515618632124643/ Trump Promises $1 Million Of Personal Funds To Aid Harvey Victims President Trump is pledging to chip in to assist Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts, to the tune of $1 million …
Utah Nurse Arrested for Refusing to Give Patient’s Blood to Police
update: The Utah nurse has received a $500,000 legal settlement from the city and her employer. An attorney for Alex Wubbels said that the nurse plans to put a portion of the settlement toward a new initiative to help others …
Hurricane Harvey: Two Human Chains, Good Samaritans
Two human chain stories, a true testament to human will and compassion. https://facebook.com/HygoNews/videos/513368705682969/ Two stories. 1. Hurricane Harvey: Neighbours form human chain to rescue woman in labour trapped in floodwaters. When Adrielle Smith is old enough, she’ll have an incredible …
Clemency: Trump vs Clinton and Obama
Trump pulled a list of controversial clemencies by Clinton and Obama out of his suit jacket to defend his pardon of Joe Arpaio. “Then you have dangerous criminals. President Clinton pardoned Susan Rosenberg, a member of the Weather Underground, charged …
He will never ever be the president!!!
“He will never ever be the president!!!”, they said. https://facebook.com/HygoNews/videos/1487128428036341/ Trump won the election. Hilarious quotes from some of the following people Obama Nancy Pelosi Bob Schieffer Jeb Bush Mitt Romney George Clooney Bernie Sanders Tom Hanks Seth Meyers Abby …
3 Black people slammed Black Lives Matter
You will hear 3 black people slamming the alt left and Black Lives Matter: “They want people to be angry so that they will vote for democrats.”; https://facebook.com/HygoNews/videos/1485434904872360/ Larry Elder 4% of them are white cops shooting unarmed blacks. They …
Black protesters demand removal of NYC statue
Update 4/16/2018: New York City’s Public Design Commission voted to accept a mayoral panel’s recommendation to remove the statue of Dr. J. Marion Sims for relocation to Brooklyn’s Green-Wood Cemetery, where Sims is buried, accompanied by signage with historical context.…