On Pentagon secret meetings: unelected bureaucrats are plotting against duly elected leadership?

“The unelected bureaucracy of this government answers to the civilian and duly elected leadership.” Scott Jennings excoriates Pentagon officials over reports of secret meetings about how to “thwart or countermand the Commander-In-Chief.” The plotting against Trump has seemingly begun: “I don’t like this because what’s Donald Trump supposed to think? You know, he’s sitting down there, he’s the president elect. And now he’s got to read in the newspaper tonight that the unelected bureaucracy of the federal government is having meetings at some level about how to thwart or countermand the Commander in Chief. I don’t care if it’s at the Pentagon or at the HUD or Ag department.”

“It doesn’t matter. The unelected bureaucracy of this government answers to the civilian and duly elected leadership.. If you were in his shoes and you just won the popular vote with a clear mandate and now you get to read that these unelected bureaucrats are plotting against you? What would you think?”

The unelected federal bureaucracy should not be having secret meetings (that then leak to the media) about how to thwart the incoming President of the United States. What’s Pres. Trump supposed to think?

On Pentagon secret meetings: unelected bureaucrats are plotting against duly elected leadership?
