On 7/30/2024, In a joint hearing with members of the Senate Judiciary and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committees, U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) confronted United States Secret Service (USSS) Acting Director Ronald Rowe, demanding answers for the lack of accountability in the attempted assassination of former President Trump.
In his questioning, Senator Hawley asked Acting Director Rowe for names of those who were in charge of multiple security efforts the day the former President was shot, and Acting Director Rowe declined to identify them because they “are still operational, still doing investigations.” “Isn’t the fact that a former President was shot, that a good American is dead, that other Americans were critically wounded, isn’t that enough mission failure for you to say that [they] should probably be fired?” Senator Hawley asked. Acting Director Rowe continued to deny identification of those in charge and emphasized that he refrain from making any judgements while the investigation continues.
‘No One Has Been Fired’: Hawley Confronts Secret Service Director