‘Most Likely to Become a Terrorist’ award gets Texas teachers in trouble

Update: “We have concluded our investigation, and the teacher responsible is no longer employed by the district,” the Channelview Independent School District said.

Lizeth Villanueva, 13, wants her teacher to be fired because she received a certificate declaring her the class member “Most Likely to Become a Terrorist.” It was supposed to be a joke, part of a mock end-of-the-year awards ceremony at Anthony Aguirre Junior High in Channelview, Texas.
Other awards included: “most likely to cry for every little thing” that was given to a girl and “most likely to become homeless” that was presented to a boy.
The school apologized, saying that The teachers have been disciplined and the incident is still under investigation. However the 13-year-old girl and her mother have not accepted the apology. Instead, they want the teachers to be fired.

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