KJP Unable To Explain Why GOPs Border Proposal Extreme, Unable To Name Any Specific Border Support

On 11/6/2023,
Karine Jean-Pierre Admits Republicans’ Proposed Border Security Measures Are “Bipartisan”

Karine Jean-Pierre Unable To Explain Why Biden Thinks Republican Border Proposal Is “Extreme”
Karine Jean-Pierre is unable to explain why Biden thinks Republicans’ border security proposals are “extreme”

Karine Jean-Pierre Unable To Name Any Specific Border Security Provisions Biden Could Support
“Can you drill down, specifically, on some of the compromises the president is willing to support [on border security]?”
KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: No. Let’s talk about Ukraine.

Karine Jean-Pierre Insists Biden Has Taken Border Security “Very Seriously,” Even Amid Record Crisis
KJP: “We have been taking this very seriously in trying to deal with this border security issue!”

KJP Unable To Explain Why GOPs Border Proposal Extreme, Unable To Name Any Specific Border Support
