KJP On Record Number Of Illegal Border Crossings: “This Happens. It Ebbs And Flows”

shorts On 9/21/2023, a reporter White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, “I want to go back to immigration. In addition to Eagle Pass, El Paso is also seeing a new influx as well. I understand your comments about being a broken immigration system, but the administration also took credit following the end of Title 42 for the drop in border crossing numbers. Is it now taking responsibility for the rise in numbers?

KJP: So, here —
Reporter: And —
KJP: Oh, I’m sorry.
Reporter: Go —
KJP: Go ahead, Gabe. I’m so sorry. Finish — finish your — finish your —

Reporter: Yeah, and then, secondly, you mentioned those 800 new troops that are going down to the border. Do you think that’ll be enough?

KJP: Look, it’s on top of what we have done already in the past two years under this administration. Look, every year, as you know, Gabe — I know you follow this very closely — U.S. sees ebbs and flows of migrants arriving, fueled by seasonal trends … I — and I understand your question, but here’s the thing: As you know, the President has taken action upon action to try and deal with what is happening at the border — historic action, without the help of Congress.

And so, we have asked over and over again to do this in a bipartisan way, which is why the President — his first piece of legislation was to deal with the immigration system and he want — and understanding how critical that is — it was to do that. And so, we have taken actions. We have taken multiple actions. But again, this happens. It ebbs and flows. That’s what we see at the border, for different trends, for different reasons.

other clips of this published longer video is here: https://youtu.be/ek0YzpcpaJA
Karine Jean-Pierre On Record Number Of Illegal Border Crossings: “This Happens. It Ebbs And Flows”
