KJP Does Not Understand Why Reporter Is Asking About Biden’s Mental, Physical Stamina

#shorts On 8/30/2023, a reporter asked White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, ” There’s a new book coming, “The Last Politician: Inside Joe — Joe Biden’s White House and the Struggle for America’s Future.” The Guardian has excerpts today saying the President has told aides in private that he felt tired and that explains why there are so few events before 10:00 a.m. So, two questions: Is this why we’re seeing brunch lids in recent weeks? Today, we had a breakfast lid. And has the President admitted to you —

KJP: Wait, say that last part.

Reporter: So, is that why we had a breakfast lid this morning? I mean, there — the book is —
KJP: A what?
Reporter: There was a break- — the breakfast lid came to the press —
KJP: Oh, okay.

Reporter: — for the first time, I think. We’ve had some brunch lids in recent weeks as well. So my question is: Is that a reflection —

KJP: So you think we’ve had those lids because the — because of this excerpt?
Reporter: Not because of the excerpt. The book is suggesting the President tells aides he’s tired.

KJP: But that’s in the excerpt, right?
Reporter: Yeah. And that that’s why there have been so few public events before 10:00 a.m.
KJP: I mean, that’s a ridiculous assumption to make.
Reporter: (Inaudible)?
KJP: I mean, that’s a ridiculous assumption to — to make.

other clips of this published longer video is here: https://youtu.be/Vsk872BOh_s
Karine Jean-Pierre Does Not Understand Why Reporter Is Asking About Biden’s Mental, Physical Stamina
