KJP Dodges On Why Dems Didn’t Pass Border Bill Day 1; Mayorkas False Border Is Secure? No Executive

Jean-Pierre Dodges On Why Dems Didn’t Pass Border Wish List When They Controlled Entire Congress
On 2/6/2024, FOX News White House correspondent Peter Doocy asked White House Press Sec Karine JEAN-PIERRE, “So, you guys talk a lot, including today, about how the border wouldn’t be such a big deal if Congress would have just passed your immigration bill on day one. Who was in charge of Congress on day one?”

KJP: So, it’s been three years. It’s been three — three whole years — more than three years, more than a thousand days. And, look, this is a difficult issue, obviously. This is a difficult issue. And what we have said is that Congress has to act, right?

Congress — Democrats, Republicans have to act. But in those three years, it is true that Republicans have gotten in the way. They just have, Peter. They have constistently used immigration — the immigration system, the broken system — as a political stunt.

Karine Jean-Pierre Won’t Say If Mayorkas Gave False Testimony When He Insisted Border Is Secure
Reporter: Is there not an inherent contradiction, though, with the President saying today that the border is not secure and Secretary Mayorkas saying under oath to Congress that it is?

KJP: Here is what I will say: Secretary Mayorkas has done everything that he can do and — to deal with what’s going on at the border and to deal with a broken immigration, to the point where he was part of this negotiation process that we saw the Senate — the Senate go through. The President has confidence in the Secretary, and I think that’s what matters.

Karine Jean-Pierre Says Biden Isn’t Considering Any Executive Actions To Secure The Border

Karine Jean-Pierre, After Insisting Border Was Secure, Now Says It’s Long Past Time To Secure It

Karine Jean-Pierre There Is A Border That Exists Right Now In Front Of Congressional Members

Karine Jean-Pierre Not Biden Admin Position That Border Is Not Secure If Bill Doesn’t Pass

KJP Dodges On Why Dems Didn’t Pass Border Bill Day 1; Mayorkas False Border Is Secure? No Executive Action
