KJP: Calling Out Anthony Fauci’s Lies Is “Counterproductive” And “Not Helpful”

#shorts On 2/27/2023, Fox News White House correspondent Jacqui Heinrich asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, “Just one more on the lab leak news from the Department of Energy. With all of this information coming out — and obviously the President had ordered a multi-agency effort that included the Department of Energy to try to, you know, get at the origins question. But looking, you know, with hindsight 20/20 and now these conclusions coming out from parts of this administration, was it prudent to have, at the time, some administration officials voicing support for one origins theory over another, like Dr. Fauci did at a couple — in a couple of instances. He said, you know, “My belief is that it’s most likely natural transmission.” Dr. Collins, at one point, sent an e-mail to Dr. Fauci that was discussing the lab leak theory as a conspiracy theory. So given where we’re at now, looking backward and with respect to how we talk about these things if it ever happens in the future, is it — is it prudent to have members within the administration voicing support for one theory over another if there isn’t a consensus of that?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: So, I do want to speak to Dr. Fauci, because the political attacks on someone like Dr. Fauci, who — and public officials more broadly, but Dr. Fauci who has spent his career saving lives … I just want to call out the political attacks. I think, again, it’s not been helpful. Dr. Fauci himself has said he agrees with the President that we needed to get to the bottom of this …

other clips of this published longer video is here: https://youtu.be/076QIYLW3kU
KJP: Calling Out Anthony Fauci’s Lies Is “Counterproductive” And “Not Helpful”
