Kennedy to Zuckerberg: 2 billion people give up personal info; foothills of creepy

On 1/31/2024, Kennedy questions Zuckerberg, Spiegel on social media in Judiciary.

Louisiana Republican Sen. John Kennedy said Meta platforms users “see only one side of an issue.”
“You have convinced over 2 billion people to give up all of their personal information — every bit of it — in exchange for getting to see what their high school friends had for dinner Saturday night,” he said.

Zuckerberg said people get the basics of how social media works.

“You’re in the foothills of creepy. You track people who aren’t even Facebook users,” Kennedy said. “I just wonder if our technology is greater than our humanity in the interest of this funnel.”

Kennedy: Instagram is harmful to young people isn’t it?

Zuckerberg: Senator I disagree with that that’s not what the research shows on balance. that doesn’t mean that individual people don’t have issues and that there aren’t things that that we need to do to to help provide the right to tools…

Kennedy: I’m not saying it’s intentional but if you agree that Instagram if you think
that Instagram is not hurting millions of our young people particularly young
teens particularly young women you shouldn’t be driving it

Kennedy to Snap CEO Spiegel: in fact we we have a new definition of recession. When we know we’re in a recession when Google has to lay off 25 members of Congress that’s what we’re down to we’re also down to this fact that your platforms are hurting …
Kennedy to Zuckerberg: 2 billion people give up personal info; foothills of creepy
