Kennedy: subpoenas Fauci retire or not; Biden “No Man Left Behind”, US Team of Vets Rescued 17K

Kennedy said that Americans deserve answers from Fauci. “In the last conversation I had with Dr. Fauci with respect to whom I bear no ill will he was in front of a committee they only gave me five minutes I asked him a simple question.” Flashback, when Kennedy asked Fauci, “You have testified that uh that you didn’t give any money to the Wuhan lab to conduct gain of function research is that right?” Fauci answered, “that is correct.”
Kennedy: How do you know they didn’t lie to you?
Fauci: excuse me sir?
Kennedy: how do you know they didn’t lie to you and use the money for gain of function research?
Fauci: anyway well we’ve seen the results of the experiments that were done and that were published … are on public databases now so none of that was gain of function.

Kennedy: so how do you know they didn’t do the research and not put it on their website?

Fauci: there’s no way of guaranteeing that but in our experience with grantees including Chinese grantees which we’ve had interactions with for a very long period of time they’re very competent trustworthy scientists.

Top Biden Advisor Anthony Fauci “questions” data calling lockdowns harmful. He says “no,” he does not regret lockdowns and locked away at home did not “irreparably damage anyone”.

On 8/22/2022, US veteran Chad Robichaux went on Newsmax to discuss his organization Save Our Allies. According to Chad, his organization has rescued 17,000 US legal permanent residents from Afghanistan. Chad Robichaux, “how does America ever gain confidence with a foreign force in the future when we continue to leave our allies stranded and behind and don’t keep our promises to them.” President Joe Biden 1 year ago and said “any American [in Afghanistan] who wants to come home, we will get you home,” during a press conference on 8/20/2021.
Kennedy: subpoenas Fauci retire or not; Biden “No Man Left Behind”, US Team of Vets Rescued 17K; Fauci no regret no harm
