Kennedy simple Amendmen: vote against to support the racist thing; vote for to condemn them

#shorts Senator Whitehouse: If I may respond, I, for one, do condemn that sort of rhetoric, but the Senator’s Amendment does more than that. It calls upon the Biden Administration to enforce section 1507 from Title 18 of the United States Code to protect Supreme Court Justices, including Justice Thomas, in later flagrant violations of the law designed to intimidate justices. We’ve spent a lot of time in this committee trying to make sure that the White House and the political side of the executive branch is kept out of internal Department of Justice law enforcement decisions, and in the light of that, I again ask my colleagues to vote no unless there’s a second degree amendment that clears that problem.

Kennedy: Mr. Chairman, I respect my colleague, Senator Whitehouse, and he’s better at me counting the number of lawyers that can dance on the head of a pen, but this is a real simple Amendment. If you support the racist things that have been said about Clarence Thomas, then vote against this amendment. If you think the things that have been said about Clarence Thomas are racist to the marrow and you condemn them, then vote for this amendment.

other clips of this published longer video is here:
Kennedy simple Amendmen: vote against to support the racist thing; vote for to condemn them
