Kennedy: it’s unconscionable &I can’t believe we wouldn’t condemn it

#shorts Kennedy said, “how can you not condemn a statement calling Justice Clarence Thomas a house slave? Come on, folks, that’s all this amendment does. I mean, does anybody here support that kind of rhetoric? I don’t, I don’t think you do. And this kind of rhetoric hasn’t been directed toward John Roberts, it hasn’t been directed toward Neil Gorsuch, it’s been directed toward Clarence Thomas, and it’s Un-American, it’s unconscionable, and I can’t believe we wouldn’t condemn it. I don’t care how many lawyers can dance on the head of a pen. Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t try to pretend that this is some sort of a technical, uh, mistake in this amendment. It’s not complicated. You don’t have to be a senior Caltech to figure it out. It says all of this stuff about Clarence Thomas, calling him a house slave and other racist disgusting statements, we condemn. Now, you either condemn it or you don’t, and that’s all this amendment does.

other clips of this published longer video is here:
Kennedy: it’s unconscionable &I can’t believe we wouldn’t condemn it
