Kennedy: Do you believe that voter ID is inappropriate? Explain why three of us on your hate list?
On 4/27/2022, Sen. Kennedy grilled President Joe Biden’s judicial nominee for the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for her involvement with the Southern Poverty Law Center during her nomination hearing, “In August 2021 we’re not talking 20 years ago we’re talking 2021. You were involved in another report by the SPLC and you said that voter identification photo ID to vote is burdensome and does not serve any legitimate state interest do you really believe that?” “do you really believe that you said it, you meant it?”

Abudu: “this supreme court in Crawford v Marion …”

Kennedy: “but you said it didn’t serve any legitimate state interest do you believe that again?”

Abudu: “Senator without that language in front of me it’s hard to understand ..”

Kennedy: “here it is August 2021, well there are cases asking you to explain to me why having to prove you are who you say you are before you vote doesn’t serve, you said it doesn’t serve any legitimate state of interest. I’m just asking to explain that statement to me.”

Abudu: “I understand Senator Kennedy and again without being able to see the language that appears before and after it’s hard for the context

Kennedy: “you deny that you said it”

Abudu: “I can’t say that I again I haven’t seen that language in front of me but what I do know is that there have been voter id cases in which courts”

Kennedy: “I know I’m familiar with the case all but I’m asking what you think because you may be on the 11th circuit do you believe that voter ID is inappropriate.”

Abudu: “my commitment is to uphold the supreme court’s decision in crawford

Kennedy: “I know but here you said it was inappropriate, you deny that”

Abudu: “well again senator it would be it would be helpful to know if if that section of the report also cites to ..”

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), together with Senator Cruz and Senator Hawley — was also listed as an extremist by SPLC, was horrified by Abudu’s refusal to distance herself from SPLC’s labeling. “Can you explain why the three of us ended up on your hate list?” Blackburn asked. She said she couldn’t.

Abudu, the strategic litigation director at the SPLC, said she joined the organization in February 2019. The SPLC publishes an annual “Hate Map,” which features several conservative and Christian organizations, including the Family Research Council. Abudu’s repeated oral testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee that she is not involved in the SPLC’s work trying to delegitimize other groups as “hate groups” contradicts her own written testimony, which she handed in just a few months ago. In writing, she said that she oversees a broad swath of the SPLC’s work, including, again, in her own words, “litigation related to hate groups.” Those contradictory aspects of her testimony can’t both be right, which certainly indicates that one of them is untrue. The only thing of substance she did offer to Hawley was that she is proud of her work for the SPLC in working for “voting rights.”
Do you believe that voter ID is inappropriate? Explain why three of us on your hate list?