India & China aggressions: India made deal with 18 countries not use dollars, China hacking & spy

#shorts On 9/21/2023, during White House Press Brief, a reporter asked Biden Nat’l Sec Advisor Jake Sullivan, “You’ve laid out how — how the President has been standing for Russia through action. But when it comes to India and China, the President has largely given them a pass for their aggressions as well as the economic support they’re giving to Russia. Why is that?

MR. SULLIVAN: What — what do you mean by “aggression”?

Reporter: Well, so, for instance, India — they’ve made a deal with — well, economic aggression, I guess — eight- — they made a deal with 18 countries to not use dollars to trade in. India has — is on a U.S. watchlist for intellectual property theft of U.S. companies. India has been — is part of BRICS. And so, that’s what I’m talking about with India. With China, the aggressions — the hacking that they’ve done, the spy balloons, as well as their intellectual property issues.

MR. SULLIVAN: I mean, first of all, we’ve stood up over — I — I’m not sure if your question is about Ukraine or just about other things generically —
Reporter: It’s about China and India.
MR. SULLIVAN: — and so forth.
Reporter: I mean, why — why aren’t we seeing the same kind of actions standing up against China and India?
MR. SULLIVAN: I mean, we’ve taken a variety of actions

other clips of this published longer video is here:
India & China aggressions: India made deal with 18 countries to not use dollars, China hacking & spy balloons
