HYGONews Week’s Most Popular Stories 8/21; Inflation Reduction Act signed, cheer climate & green

On 8/16/2022, Joe Biden returned to the White House from his South Carolina beach vacation to sign his massive spending bill that will raise taxes on the middle class and make inflation worse. “With this law, the American people won and the special interests lost,” Biden said claiming the bill is “one of the most significant laws in our history.” Biden also claimed “no one earning less than $400,000/year will pay a penny more in federal taxes.” This bill “finally delivers on a promise that Washington has made for decades to the American people. Democrats cheered as Biden signed the $740 billion bill that was rammed through both chambers of Congress with ZERO Republican votes. He also claimed middle class Americans won’t pay a “penny more.” The ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ will raise taxes on the middle class, make inflation worse, hires 87,000 IRS agents to harass families. Democrats cheered as President Joe Biden signed a bill to raise middle-class taxes and worsen inflation. Biden removed his mask and immediately coughed right into his hand. Biden mumbled through remarks before heading back to Delaware for another vacation. Excerpts from Biden’s speech, “And, Joe, I never had a doubt. (Laughter.) Joe had an operation on his shoulder. I just want you to know it wasn’t because of anything we did. (Laughter.) He’s in great shape … And I’m about to sign the Inflation Reduction Act into law, one of the most significant laws in our history … The Inflation Reduction Act invests $369 billion to take the most aggressive action ever — ever, ever, ever — in confronting the climate crisis and strengthening our economic — our energy security … It’s going to offer working families thousands of dollars in savings by providing them rebates to buy new and efficient appliances, weatherize their homes, get tax credit for purchasing heat pumps and rooftop solar, electric stoves, ovens, dryers. It gives consumers a tax credit to buy electric vehicles or fuel cell vehicles, new or used. And it gives them a credit — a tax credit of up to $7,500 if those vehicles were made in America … This bill is the biggest step forward on climate ever — ever — and it’s going to allow — it’s going to allow us to boldly take additional steps toward meeting all of my climate goals — the ones we set out when we ran … And let’s be clear: In this historic moment, Democrats sided with the American people, and every single Republican in the Congress sided with the special interests in this vote — every single one … “

Nancy Pelosi gushes about Dems passing $60b for “diversity,” “climate crisis” in Inflation Reduction Act.

Biden Advisor Bernstein Repeats That Nobody Making Less Than $400K Will See Tax Hike.
On 8/16/2022, after CNN called out the Democrats’ bogus branding, President Joe Biden economic advisor Cecilia Rouse said tax bills will be hiked “immediately,” during a segment on CNN’s “At This Hour” with Kate Bolduan.

On 8/16/2022, Senator John Kennedy joined Fox News to share his views on some Democrats refusing to throw full support behind a President Biden re-election bid in 2024. “Certain members of President Biden’s own party are running from him because they think President Biden will hurt their re-election. Now, why is that? In my judgment, President Biden has stepped on every rake in the yard. And I don’t mean to be unfair, but it’s been cringeworthy. He has mismanaged Congress … mismanaged the border, mismanaged Afghanistan, mismanaged the economy, mismanaged inflation, and forfeited America’s energy independence. Now, President Biden obviously disagrees with that. He says he’s doing a swell job, and as evidence, he offers the opinions of experts like Kamala Harris and Prince Harry. But I don’t think most Americans are persuaded. I don’t think the American people hate President Biden. I certainly don’t. But I think a majority of the voters in our country at this juncture think he would be he would be better off selling catheters on late-night TV than serving as president of the United States.

Biden Energy Secretary Granholm about “enormous” savings electric vehicles will have. She said, “clean energy will be the greatest peace plan the world has ever known”. “such an example of why countries need to move away from the volatility of fuels from countries who do not have our interests. And from the volatility of fossil fuels. If we want to be energy secure and energy independent, that means we’ve got to produce our own energy. My counterpart in Ireland, the energy minister there, has said that no one has ever weaponized access to the sun. No one has ever weaponized the wind. Perhaps a move to clean energy will be the greatest peace plan the world has ever known.”

HYGONews Week’s Most Popular Stories 8/21; Inflation Reduction Act signed, cheer climate & promote green energy.
