Homeland Security Advisor Won’t Answer Electrical Grid “In Danger”, we should go on to others

Biden Homeland Security Advisor Won’t Answer How Much Of U.S. Electrical Grid Is “In Danger”
REPORTER: “Can you say how much of the [electrical] grid is in danger?”
BIDEN HOMELAND SECURITY ADVISOR: “I think we should go on to others. Thanks.”
Reporter: Can you say a few words about the state of the U.S. electrical grid? The outages that we saw with Idalia raise concerns about that. I mean, can you — have you done an assessment? Do you know what percentage of the electrical grid is in need of upgrades? And how serious of a threat is that? How concerned should Americans be?

DR. SHERWOOD-RANDALL: So, we are investing an enormous amount … to ensure that we have the grid of the future that we need, both to power our clean energy future and also to provide resilient power to the American people.

Reporter: But can you say how much of the grid is in danger or is at risk or antiquated?
DR. SHERWOOD-RANDALL: I think we should go on to others. Thanks.
kKJP: Go ahead, Kayla.

Jean-Pierre Laughably Claims “No President” Has Been “Stronger” On Competing With China Than Biden
Reporter: Secretary Raimondo had a longish trip there. She was in multiple cities and spoke multiple times. You know, I know you were asked about this “uninvestable” comment, but, like, just looking back, would you — would you assess the — the, you know, outcome of her meetings? She said that, you know — she has spoke about needing to draw a hard line on some of the issues. I mean, do you feel like these visits by Cabinet members have been successful? Or, you know, is — is the U.S.-Chinese relationship still in — in trouble?

KJP: … I’ll say this: No president has put the United States — and you’ve heard us say this many times — in a stronger position to outcompete China than President Biden.

Biden Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo Visits Disneyland For Photo Op On Trip To China.

Q: Biden message to girls in Afghanistan who can’t go to school? A: Ah, Am… Ah, Admin supports girls
Reporter: First of all, happy first day of school.
KJP: Happy first day of school.

Reporter: But seriously, what is the message that the administration has for the millions of girls in Afghanistan who can’t go to school because the Taliban won’t let them?

KJP: So, look, the President has always been very clear about the importance of girls — not just here in America but globally — being able to — to live freely and be able to go to school and get the education. And so — and we have been very clear in laying out … or — or — and two years ago. That certainly will continue throughout his administration.

Reporter: Do you have a message for the girls themselves, I guess?

KJP: Well, look, we have — this is — this is a president, this is an administration that certainly supports girls being educated — again, not just here …

Homeland Security Advisor Won’t Answer Electrical Grid “In Danger”, we should go on to others
