Hawley: You went on to say that then-President Trump was unfit for office and a reckless and wanting threat to the Constitution. Does that still reflect your views?
Witness: Senator, I do want to correct the record. I didn’t write the letter. I, along with hundreds of other folks, signed on to the letter because we were concerned about the events of January 6th.
Hawley: Okay, you signed the letter though. Absolutely, does it, and does that still represent your views?
Witness: I signed the letter, Senator. I was concerned about January 6th.
Hawley: Yeah, and you haven’t changed your view at all that the ex-president is unfit for office, reckless, and a wanting threat to the Constitution?
Witness: Under the Judicial Code of Ethics, if that matter were to come before me, it would be inappropriate for me to state my position at this time. So, I’m precluded from stating that position.
Hawley: Well, I’m just trying to figure out if your views changed. I think you’ve answered my question. I think your answer is you stand by it. You signed it, you stand by it. Is that fair to say?
Witness: I’m not trying to get into how I would rule on a case.
Hawley: I’m just trying to figure out—you signed the letter, I just want to make sure that you haven’t changed your views. I think you’ve answered my question. You think you said you stand by it. Don’t let me put words in your mouth, but is that correct? You signed it, you stand by it. Is that fair to say?
Witness: It is correct that I signed the letter.
Hawley Presses Noms Who Deemed Trump Unfit For Office, Who Supported Boeing’s Shady Corporate Behavior