#shorts Hawley: She asked you if you participated in any meetings at all related to the Hunter Biden laptop. Was that a yes or a no?
Witness: … it’s not appropriate for me. And I’m, I’m bound,
Hawley: wait, wait, wait, wait, why isn’t it appropriate for you? It is a Judicial nominee that said anything to do with any case that you have, right? I’m asking you what you did in your former employment as the Deputy Chief of Staff to the FBI director. Did you participate in any meetings related to the Hunter Biden laptop?
Witness: Senator, again, as a Department of Justice
Hawley: sounds like you’re not going to answer me. Is this going to be a “I’m not going to answer you” type deal?
Witness: Senator, I’m bound to follow the code of judicial conduct.
Hawley: The code of judicial conduct doesn’t have any bearing on this question whatsoever. What possible bearing could it have? That’s a question mark.
Witness: Uh, well, Senator, uh, as the code of judicial conduct requires integrity and independence in the Judiciary, it requires judicial officers to act with
Hawley: it’s not a get-out-of-jail-free card, but you don’t want to answer questions when you’re under oath before a committee
On 7/12/2023, U.S. Sen Josh Hawley, R-Missouri, asked the nominee about the Hunter Biden laptop. Brandon S. Long is nominee to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Louisiana. Long responded that under the ethics code for federal law enforcement, he is forbidden from answering questions about ongoing investigations. Hawley also asked Long if he did ever observe FBI resources being used to monitor pro-life groups or pro-life individuals.
other clips of this published longer video is here: https://youtu.be/fncv4UBUlnw
Hawley: doesn’t have any bearing on this question whatsoever, it’s not a get-out-of-jail-free card