Harris/Biden: 0% inflation; Rubio: Build Back Better Junior, billionaires lawyers to fight IRS

On 8/10/2022, VP Kamala Harris delivered remarks at the United Steelworkers Constitutional Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. Kamala Harris echoed Joe Biden and claimed there was 0% inflation in July. “Today, we learned that last month our economy had zero percent inflation. In July, we saw a drop in gas prices and a range of other goods, like clothing and airfares and household appliances,” Harris said.

On Wednesday it was reported that US inflation was 8.5% in July – this is still close to the highest rate in 40 years. Inflation remains historically high. “Prices that consumers pay for a variety of goods and services rose 8.5% in July from a year ago, a slowing pace from the previous month due largely to a drop in gasoline prices.” CNBC reported.

On 8/10/2022, Biden said the same thing before taking off to South Carolina for a beach vacation. “Before I begin today, I want to say a word about the news that came out relative to the economy. I want to say a number. Zero. Today, we received news our economy had 0% inflation in the month of July. 0%.” – Biden said.

On 8/7/2022, In a speech on the Senate floor, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) said the bill doesn’t address the real concerns of Americans. “we spent a lot of time now this, this basically is Build Back whatever the way they Build Back Better Junior just a little bit a lot of money but just less money this is not they might as well have voted for the one I don’t know why the senators that kind of gave him their vote on this why didn’t they just agree to the other one this is just a smaller version of that that’s what this is but anyway that’s what we’re focused on

…… so you can see we’re up here we’re going to vote late at night and into the morning which is fine with me. I don’t know if it’s fine with everybody but it’s fine with me, but at least if we’re going to do that let it be about the things that the people care about, that matter to real people in the real world. it’s not. instead here’s what we’re going to do. here’s what we’re going to do, what we’re going to spend time on is a 30 billion dollar slush fund they call “green loans.” that’s what it is guys, it’s a slush fund. it is for all these people that have companies that are in the green energy space. that’s their buddies. they’re not going to be able to tap into this loan program. they’ve done this once before but not a 30 billion slush fund. okay we’re going to spend 60 billion solving environmental racism. I don’t even know what that is. I don’t know anybody knows what that is. it’s like when they say Latinx I thought that was a band! I’ve never heard that word before in my life and I don’t know what environmental racism is.

nine billion on tax credits to help people that already have electric cars buy another electric car. let me let me tell you guys, something you may not realize, this I get may be because the bubble around here is so thick. so let me tell you the truth, a lot of people vote for you guys as well are not buying an electric car this year, next year, the year after that, for a lot of reasons. number one – charging stations … thank god this is a good one because I know a lot of people are worried about this – 1.5 billion to plant more trees whatever and then on top of all that they’re going to hire an army of IRS agents this is the one that I love they’re going to go after the people that aren’t paying enough in their taxes.

let me explain to you something. I don’t like it. I don’t necessarily think it’s a good thing but I’m going to explain something to people that don’t understand this. these billionaires who, by the way, fund all their campaigns just got a huge break in this bill. very ironic. these billionaires, these corporations, these people have armies of lawyers and law firms and accountants and I’m telling you they will fight these agents, so who do you think these agents are going to go after? because fighting these corporations ain’t easy and you will eventually run out of billionaires to go after. they’re going to go after small businesses. they’re going to go after working people. maybe people that make 250 000 a year. we think that’s a lot of money – in some places it is. in this country in some places it’s a good living, but you’re not rich at 250 000. in some parts of this country you’re doing all right, no doubt about it, but you’re not a billionaire. they’re going to go after them. they’re going to go after the people that cannot afford to hire an army of lawyers and accountants to fight off the IRS agents, thousands of IRS agents. not police officers to go after criminals, IRS agents to go after American taxpayers. that’s what they’re going to go after.

Harris & Biden say 0% inflation; Rubio: Build Back Better Junior, billionaires have lawyers & accountants fight IRS
