Graham challenged Schumer to vote: you’re not going to do it because you’re all talk

On 6/9/2022, Senator Lindsey Graham called on Majority Leader Schumer to bring the TRUST Act to the floor for a vote, “So Senator Schumer, in case you’re watching, I challenge you to bring Senator Sanders’ bill to the Floor. He is a very sincere man—he’s found a way, he thinks, to save Social Security. And all I ask in return is to vote on Senator Romney’s bill. You’ll have two approaches to how to solve this problem and you’re not going to do it because you’re all talk. Prove me wrong…[we need to] get on about the hard work of finding a solution that will get buy-in from both sides of the aisle. I really do believe it’s possible if there’s political will.”

Sens. Bernie Sanders’(I-Vt.) proposal to expand Social Security would do so for the next 75 years by expanding payroll taxes for those who make more than $250,000 a year, including capital gains and dividends. But Republicans, led by Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), are pushing against taxing the wealthy, and instead suggest raising the retirement age requirement while doling out less money for those that meet a certain income threshold.

“What you’re selling doesn’t work,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), regarding Sanders’ plan. “ … We’re going to talk about it in terms on our side that is a little more holistic than just ‘tax the rich.’”

Graham: so why don’t why don’t we do this why don’t you bring your bill to the floor for a vote?”
great idea.
Mr Lawson do you agree with that?
absolutely okay

Graham: Senator Sanders bill should definitely be brought to you I cannot agree more so senator Schumer in case you’re watching, I challenge you to bring senator Sanders’s bill to the floor. He’s very sincere man he’s found a way he thinks to save social security and all I’ll ask in return is to vote on senator Romney’s bill. You’ll have two approaches to how to solve this problem and you’re not going to do it, you’re all talk prove me wrong.

Miss McGinnis, the gang of six did not take senator Sanders’s approach did it?
for reforming social security no it didn’t it had a balance plan that looked at revenue did Simpson Bowles take this approach? no it did not. did the Greenspan commission take this approach no it did not. do you agree with that sir

yes. okay the approach that you’re advocating is along the following lines raise the cap right more revenue raise the cap right
reduce benefits to the people who can afford to take less. Is that fair Y’all both nodding right.

okay adjust CPI you’re nodding and that allows us to restructure the program to get the baby boomers through without going bankrupt does that make sense is that what we’re talking about.
Graham challenged Schumer to vote: you’re not going to do it because you’re all talk.

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