On 3/9/2022, Joe Biden and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo met with governors and business leaders to discuss lowering prices. Governor Holcomb cracked a joke about his state: “We got the Indy500 and we like to go fast.” Joe Biden interrupted Governor Holcomb and said, “A gallon of gas is down 14% today.” Biden apparently confused the price of Brent crude and a gallon of gas.
Fox Business reporter Edward Lawrence asked Psaki about Thursday’s “inflation number that’s expected to be pretty big….and expected to rise from the 7.5% month-over-month.” “What specifically has the administration done…to bring down inflation,” Edward Lawrence asked Psaki. “We expect to see a high headline — headline inflation in tomorrow’s February inflation data…We’ve seen the price of gas increase…75 cents since the beginning of the year as Putin built up ..” Psaki said.
Edward Lawrence pressed Psaki after she delivered a word salad: “What has worked? What specifically can you point to that has worked to bring down inflation?” Psaki responded: “Well, there are a number of steps taken. If you compare month-to-month we’ve seen inflationary numbers go down month-to-month.” CNBC’s Rick Santelli breaks down why Psaki’s numbers are inaccurate, “So anybody who’s looking at the month-over-month and year-over-year making comments that ‘well the rate of change is slowing down, these numbers are coming down’ – not accurate,” Santelli said.
Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked Psaki why the Biden admin decided to “rebrand the rising gas prices as the #PutinPriceHike,” despite gas prices consistently rising since Biden took office just over a year ago. “And maybe you want to use that on Fox?” Psaki jokes. “I welcome that.” Doocy said that he thought it “would get a lot of airtime because we have heard the President warn for month that gas prices were rising because of the supply chain … If you guys knew for months that this was going to be the hashtag Putin Price Hike, why are we just hearing that now?” Doocy asked.
“Well, Peter, if we go back to six months ago,” Psaki said, “I don’t think anybody was predicting we would be exactly where we are .. an increase in oil and prices, hence you have Putin pump, gas price pump, rise,” Psaki tried to say. “You and the President,” Doocy followed up, “are both talking about producing energy here, saying that oil and gas companies have 9,000 permits to drill now, they could be drilling right now. Would President Biden cut red tape to make that possible?
“What red tape needs to be cut when they have the permits? They have the capacity to do it, what’s holding them up?” Psaki asked.
Doocy questioned, “Does President Biden think that each of these 9,000 leases that are available, have oil or gas in them? Because industry experts are saying that that accusation is is a complete red herring. Some permits are viable and some are not. And that when you say that this represents a fundamental misunderstanding as to how this process works.”
“.. there are 9,000 unused approved permits to drill in. That should not require that should not require us inviting them to do that. They should do that themselves,” Psaki said. Doocy said these producers don’t have additional permits, but Psaki shot back with the question “what what additional permits do they need? There’s no, they have— the leases are there. The permits are there. I don’t think they need an embroidered invitation to drill—that is their oil companies.” “But what what is happening,” she continued, “—the permits have been granted Peter— What is what is happening …”
Doocy asked if the Keystone XL Pipeline could be restarted. Psaki said that wouldn’t help anything. “The pipeline is just a delivery mechanism. It is not an oil field. So it does not provide more supply into the system.” She went on to say “there’s no plans for that and it would not address any of the problems we’re having currently.”
Gas is Down 14% Today, Inflation down month-to-month, why rebrand #PutinPriceHike, why 9000 leases no drilling
Gas is Down 14% Today, Inflation down month-to-month, why rebrand #PutinPriceHike, why 9K leases no