First no inflation, then transitory, then only hurt rich folks, Putin’s fault. What so hard honest?

On 3/17/2022, U.S. Representative Mike Johnson (LA-04) said Democrats’ blame game is in “full swing” over inflation and rising gas prices. First no inflation, then transitory, then only hurt rich folks, then Putin’s fault. What is so hard about just being honest?

“The national average price for a gallon of gas reached $4.32 on Sunday. That is the highest price is U.S. history. Last Thursday, we also learned that U.S. inflation soared 7.9% over the past 12 months. The largest spike in consumer prices in 40 years. And now, the Washington Democrats’ blame game is in full swing:

At first, according to Democrats, inflation wasn’t happening. Then, inflation was merely ‘transitory.’ Then, inflation somehow only hurt rich folks.
“But Washington Democrats’ latest fiction might be their greatest yet:
“That the past year of steady, unrelenting price increases for gas and consumer goods is actually Vladimir Putin’s fault.

Vladimir Putin didn’t kill the Keystone pipeline—Joe Biden did. Vladimir Putin didn’t ban drilling for oil on federal lands—Joe Biden did. Vladimir Putin didn’t pass trillions upon trillions in unnecessary government spending in a single year—Joe Biden and the Washington Democrats did. “What is so hard about just being honest with the American people? “President Biden should accept responsibility for the past year of rising prices and pledge to correct course.

“The President should do everything in his power to make it easier, not harder, for America to produce more oil and gas. This would lower prices for the American people and make our country and Europe less dependent on foreign energy.

“Instead, President Biden says he actually ‘can’t do much right now’ about skyrocketing gas prices…

“Now that the Biden Administration and Congressional Democrats know they are in a tight spot, here’s the thing: they are trying to convince the American people that an American President can’t control gas prices in the United States, but Russia’s can. “Good luck with that.
First no inflation, then transitory, then only hurt rich folks, then Putin’s fault. What is so hard about just being honest?
