Divided Congress tax increases dead on arrival? Or Biden prepares for 2024 reelection?

#shorts a reporter asked White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, “On the budget, just to follow up quickly on that, as you said, it will include a number of proposals for tax increases. What are Americans supposed to make of that, given that a number of Republican lawmakers have said that’s already dead on arrival?

KJP: … make sure that the wealthy pay their fair share, the ones who are — the specific piece of the President’s policy is the 400 — more than — someone who makes more than $400,000. That’s something that Americans believe, right?

Reporter: Understood. But, you know, given that the President has talked about the importance of bipartisanship, he is now dealing with a divided Congress, there doesn’t seem to be anything in those tax increases that are an olive branch. Should people see this within the broader context of 2024, as he prepares for reelection?

KJP: No, I get — and you’re right, the President believes in working in a bipartisan way. That’s why he’s been very clear … If they want to talk to the President about how we’re going to reduce the deficit, he’s willing to have that conversation. But that’s not what they’re putting forth. And the President is going to fight for those things — right? — those programs that we — that they’ve been talking about cutting, Social Security and Medicare.

On 3/8/3023, Jean-Pierre said Biden would propose to raise taxes on corporate stock buybacks and said wealthy Americans would ‘pay their fair share’

Ahead of the release of President Biden’s budget on Thursday, the White House repeatedly signaled that Biden would propose to raise taxes on the wealthy while trashing the tax cuts signed into law by his predecessor Donald Trump as “reckless” and “irresponsible.”

other clips of this published longer video is here: https://youtu.be/ooqX_SgcJr0
Divided Congress tax increases dead on arrival? Or Biden prepares for 2024 reelection?
