Debunked? Biden Again says That He Was A Civil Rights Activist

#shorts On 1/15/2023, Joe Biden visited Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia to deliver remarks honoring Martin Luther King Jr. Joe Biden claimed he attended a black church as a teenager. Biden Again says That He Was A Civil Rights Activist, “one of my only political heroes. I’ve been saying — and Andy’s heard me say it for years — I have two political heroes my entire life when I started off as a 22-year-old kid in the East Side as — in the Civil Rights Movement, and got elected to the United States Senate when I was 29. I wasn’t old enough to take office. And I had two heroes: Bobby Kennedy — I admired John Kennedy, but I could never picture him at my kitchen table, but I could Bobby “

He couldn’t even pronounce the name of the black US Supreme Court Justice he appointed. “Those are the words of Kejan— Kejan— Ketanji Drown Jackson, our Supreme Court justice,” Biden said. People clapped anyway.

other clips of this published longer video is here:
Debunked? Biden Again says That He Was A Civil Rights Activist
