Confused Biden Teleprompter, Attempting Vigor; TRUMP: GDP down, energy way up, Bidenomics!

Biden Thinks Twice About Attempting Vigor, Instead Shuffles Off Stage After Brief, Incoherent Speech
Biden thinks twice about attempting his signature vigor today and shuffles off the stage after very brief, incoherent remarks in New York

Biden Once Again Gets Confused Attempting To Read From His Gigantic Teleprompter
Biden once again gets confused attempting to read from his giant teleprompter

Biden Once Again Locked In Battle With His Giant Teleprompter Schumer Leader
BIDEN v. TELEPROMPTER: “Schumer Leader”

Biden Claims “We Gotta Stop This Division” Just Seconds After Insulting His Political Opponents
BIDEN: “Folks, we gotta stop this division!”
(Biden was insulting his political opponents just seconds earlier)

Biden Once Again Makes It All About Himself As He Talks About Fallen New York Police Officers
BIDEN: “Every time a police officer puts on that shield every morning, their husband or wife, whatever it is, or child, worries about will they get that phone call. I got one of those phone calls”

BIDEN: “This is a big deal day”

TRUMP: “The GDP just announced is all the way down to 1.6%, and it’s heading south… gasoline is going way up, energy costs are going way up… This is Bidenomics!”
Confused Biden Teleprompter, Attempting Vigor; TRUMP: GDP down, energy way up, Bidenomics!
