CNN guest meltdown on boys shouldn’t be playing in girls sports; This is why Dems lost to Trump

A CNN guest accuses Shermichael of using a “slur” because he said “there are a lot of people out there who believe boys shouldn’t play in girls sports”. Democrats have lost their footing with mainstream Americans by pushing too far on cultural issues. Most Americans believe that allowing boys to compete in girls’ sports crosses a line — and is unfair to the girls who pour their heart and soul into training, only to lose out to biological boys. This sentiment isn’t partisan; it’s common sense.
The way that Shermichael is being spoken to here…is exemplary of why democrats overwhelmingly lost to Trump
Jay Michaelson is a meltdown. His entire career is about having meltdowns. He melted down over Israel 20 years ago. He’s a “rabbi” who melts down over Jewish religious practice. He is a human hissy fit. Jay Michaelson has a meltdown over words and for whatever reason, Abby Phillip thinks the best course of action is to scold Shermichael. Everyone watch Jay Michaelson have a mental breakdown over hearing the truth that boys shouldn’t be playing in girls sports.
They’re boys, Jay. Now go cry in corner and let the sane people run the country again.
CNN guest meltdown on boys shouldn’t be playing in girls sports; This is why Dems lost to Trump
