Biden why only one pen but Obama got nine pens, confused “No, not yet” but “I’m going”. Spend $460
On 6/13/2022, President Biden told reporters that he hadn’t decided whether to visit Saudi Arabia to beg for more oil before saying he was indeed planning a trip there seconds later. “Have you decided whether or not to go to …
AOC laughs when asked if support Biden 2024. Recession in 2 years Larry Summers Biden wrong
On 6/12/2022, Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers predicted on Sunday that a recession will likely hit the United States within the next two years. “I think there’s certainly a risk of recession in the next year,” Summers told CNN State …
Rep. Graves: which juveniles are running this place? this isn’t funny, this is serious stuff
There was a conversation earlier about the 9,000 permits and the impact … the National Marine Fisheries Service has to grant in order for energy producers [working] offshore to be able to actually produce energy or to be able to …
Media report on Biden’s Inflation. So bad even Jim Cramer calls out lies and Anti-Energy Agenda
On 6/10/2022, things are so bad that the Regime’s most loyal lapdog Jim Cramer is calling out Joe Biden’s lies and anti-energy agenda. It’s so bad that Cramer hung his head and begrudgingly admitted things were better under Trump. Cramer …
Inflation: Biden blames Putin, oil companies, shipping & Congress, but insists ‘top priority’
On 6/10/2022, Joe Biden delivered remarks on inflation and his non-existent plan to lower prices and tackle the supply chain issues from the Port of Los Angeles. Biden Downplays Inflation, “Every country in the world is getting a big bite …
Biden first interview in 118 days, rambles things he’s done & takes shot at Republicans on Kimmel
On 6/8/2022, Joe Biden arrived in Los Angeles, California to tape an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live. Biden hasn’t had an interview with a member of the press in 118 days but he had time to sit down with a …
Biden tripped while boarding Air Force One again. Yellen: Biden $1.9T “Certainly” increased deficit
On 6/8/2022, 79-year-old Joe Biden tripped while boarding Air Force One again, “It appears as though the president did have a slight trip there” – MSNBC said as Biden departed DC for the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles. …
Yellen expects inflation to remain high. High price nothing to preview, buy EV no matter how high
On 6/7/2022, Joe Biden signed into law 9 bills aimed at improving care for veterans. Joe Biden was joined by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs in the East Room of the White House. Biden delivered remarks during the bill signing …