Boebert asked witness: How to give Biden advice to make America’s economy as WEAK as possible?

Boebert: Mr Moore I have a question for you if you don’t mind. With just a brief answer: if you were advising Joe Biden on how to make our economy as weak as possible, what would you tell him to change?

Mr Moore: I’m sorry to make it as strong as possible?

Boebert: Is weak, if you were advising him make America’s economy weak what would you have him change?
Mr Moore: Well I do pretty much what we’ve done. I mean this idea that somehow we’re in a recovery right now, I just looked at the numbers, the latest numbers for the GDP forecast for the second quarter. Those are 0.9 percent we had negative 1.5 in the first quarter so if you put those numbers together for the first half of 2021, we’ve had negative growth. What recovery are you all talking about? there is no recovery in the economy we’re negative we’re negative for the first half of the year after spending 1.9 trillion dollars yes.

Boebert: Mr Moore thank you so much for laying that out I actually I would love to give a copy of Trumponomics to everyone here on the budget committee I think that would be something that uh everyone would
Mr Moore: I’ve got really copies available.

Boebert: there you go we’ll get you some signed copies over there um Mr mayor Vince Williams can you please tell me what bird sanctuaries a beachside 800 room luxury hotel pickleball courts ski resorts and Halloween festivals have in common
Williams: I have no idea I don’t have either of those in my city

Boebert: Well your city is paying for them Mr Williams mayor Williams each of these non health-related projects was paid for by state and local governments… Washington politicians are addicted to spending we don’t have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem and this addiction like the American rescue plan is causing is similar to parmesan cheese and Hunter Biden. Thanks and I yield.

Boebert: Since the passage of this blue state bailout, the Biden White House has claimed the quote the economy is in a better place than it has been historically well I’m curious is it the highest inflation of my lifetime the highest gas prices in American history or a shrinking GDP that would cause Jen Psaki’s replacement to make such an outrageous claim under president trump – which I’d like to pause and just say happy birthday to my all-time favorite president– but gas prices were less than half of what they are today GDP had positive growth and moms and dad had formula … I miss and the American people miss the Trump economy not only was the so-called American rescue plan entirely unnecessary but it was riddled with swampy deals for Biden’s political allies in blue states and did not include common sense protections to mitigate fraud. Less than nine percent of this two trillion dollar sham went to anything … now the average American family is paying the price for these failed policies and that price is five thousand two hundred dollars per year …

Congressman Johnson: If we’re going to keep the Republic, we have to remember our foundations. Johnson leads a Special Order on the House Floor.
Boebert asked witness: How to give Biden advice to make America’s economy as WEAK as possible? Johnson: remember our foundations.