On 11/3/2022, Joe Biden traveled to Albuquerque, New Mexico to deliver remarks on student debt relief in an effort to rally young voters ahead of next week’s midterm elections. Biden once again said about being a professor at UPenn before he became president. “I spent more time with Xi Jinping of China than any world leader has,” Biden boasted. “When I was Vice President and when I was out of the office for four years when I was a professor and then now as president.” Over the years Joe Biden has repeatedly claimed he was a professor at UPenn. Joe Biden was paid $1 million by UPenn but he never taught a single class. Biden was paid to give a few speeches (typical career politician/DC grifter) but he never taught a class. Biden has repeated this over and over again and the mainstream media never calls him out.
Joe Biden unilaterally announced a massive forgiveness of student loans in August a few months before Midterm. Biden canceled up to $10,000 in student debt for borrowers who earn $125,000 a year or less and up to $20,000 for recipients of Pell Grants. Hardworking Americans who never went to college or fully paid for their own student loans are now being forced to pay other people’s school loans. Conservative attorneys immediately got to work and filed lawsuits to stop Joe Biden’s illegal loan bailout program. The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals late last month issued a temporary stay blocking Biden’s loan bailout plan while it considers a motion filed by conservative attorneys and Republican lawmakers. “We’re fighting them in court, we’re not letting them get away with it. Their outrage is simply wrong… and I might add, without being too political here, but, hypocritical,” said Biden.
Joe Biden says Americans who oppose his student loan bailout are “wrong,” “hypocritical”, “As soon as I announced my administration’s plan for student debt, they started attacking it, even though I ran on it and everybody knew what I was going to do. The out- — their outrage is just simply wrong. And I might add, very — I don’t want to be too political here — but hypocritical.”
“Ted Cruz, the senator from Texas, said, you’re a bunch of “slackers.” He says it’s for “slackers” who don’t deserve relief. Who in God’s name do these guys think they are? And, folks, despite what Republican officials say, we can afford this student loan program. “
He claims “real progress” on inflation, we just have to wait for tax credits on solar panels if we can afford, “I know it’s been a rough few years for hardworking Americans. A lot of families, things are still really tough. But there are bright spots … So, we — we’re making real progress. And, by the way, a lot of it is just going to kick in beginning in January because we passed this profound legislation on — whether it’s dealing with the environment or dealing — I mean, for example, it’s estimated that what we did under the envi- — we passed legislation providing $368 billion in help to deal with global warming. Well, guess what? It’s estimated that that’s going to save just — what’s available to people for their homes to deal with weatherizing their homes, solar panel — a whole range of things. It’s estimated it’s going to save the average family in America at least $500 a year. And it’s going to save the environment.”
He says deficit fell “with a little help from me,” which is not true. “But guess what? Because of our historic — we had a very different (inaudible) — a very different reduction for all Republicans who voted against this. And they opposed the Inflation Reduction Act. Every single one voted against it, even though some I know were for it. Everyone voted for it — against it. And this year, under the leadership of the Democrats in Congress and a little help from me, the deficit fell $1.4 trillion. (Applause.) Trillion. The largest one-year drop in the history of the United States of America. And we cut the federal deficit in half this year. We cut it in half. (Applause.) And this follows last year’s historic drop in the deficit of $350 billion reduced last year.”
Biden: oppose student loan bailout Wrong & Hypocritical, claims College professor, real progress.